Management Reference

Referral sources use state-of-the-art libraries. Reference sources are at least 80% published in the last 10 years. Write only the bibliography referenced here and make sure everything referenced in the manuscript is listed in the bibliography.

The preferred reference is the primary source of manuscripts in journals and research results, including thesis, thesis, and dissertation. Manuscripts published in accredited national journals or international journals are highly recommended / prioritized to be used as references.

The procedure for writing a bibliography refers to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition) and apa style guide to electronic references. The bibliography is written with Time New Roman 10.

Before submitting an article, check again, whether the referral from the journal is sufficient.

Some examples of reference writing:


Hopkins, D. 2011. A Teacher Guide to Classroom Research.New York: McGraw Open University Press.


Translated Books:

Anderson, L.W. &Krattwohl, D. R. 2001.KerangkaLandasanuntukPembelajaran, Pengajaran, danAsesmen: RevisiTaksonomiPendidikan Bloom. DiterjemahkanolehAgungPrihantoro. 2010. Yogyakarta: PustakaPelajar.

Manuscripts in manuscript collection books:

Sugono, D. 2007. PerencanaanBahasa Indonesia danMemasukiGlobalisasi.DalamAnsharidanMahmudah (Eds.), Budi Bahasa(hlm.1—14). Makassar: BadanPenerbit UNM.

Manuscripts in the journal:

Sultan. 2010. Gaya Bahasa Guru dalamInteraksiPembelajaran. JurnalPenelitianPendidikanInsani, 11 (2): 82-89.


Manuscript in an electronic journal with DOI:

Sultan, Rofiuddin, A., Nurhadi, Priyatni, E. T. 2017.The Development of Critical Reading Learning Model to Promote University Students’ Critical Awareness.New Educational Review, 48(2):76–86, doi:10.15804/tner.2017.48.2.06


Manuscripts in newspapers:

Agustien, H. I. R. 1 Maret 2013.Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Genre, Kompas, hlm. 6.


Skripsi, Tesis, Dissertation, and Report :

Saleh, M. 2009. RepresentasiKesantunanBerbahasadalamWacanaAkademik: StudiEtnografi di UniversitasNegeri Makassar. Disertasi.Malang: PPs UM Malang.


Seminar papers, discussions, workshops, management :

Taha, Z. 2012. EtiketdanKesantunandalamBerbahasaBugis.MakalahdisajikandalamKongres International II Bahasa Daerah di Sulawesi Selatan, Hotel Sahid Makassar, 1—4 Oktober 2012.


Internet (manuscript in online journal):

Widodo, A. 2006. “ProfilPertanyaan Guru danSiswadalamPembelajaranSains”. Online.Jilid 4 Nomor 2,, diakses: 20 Maret 2012.