Psikologi Prima 2025-02-15T02:56:53+00:00 Fakultas Psikologi Open Journal Systems <p><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: medium;">PSIKOLOGI PRIMA is a scientific journal that studies the science of psychology as a media in presenting the results of industrial and organizational psychology research, education, development, personality, social, entrepreneurship, clinical and health as well as related issues originating from the context of social and cultural diversity that develops in the community.<br /><a href="">e-ISSN</a> (2598-8026 )<br /></span></span></p> HUBUNGAN ANTARA GRATITUDE DENGAN PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING PADA MAHASISWA PENERIMA BEASISWA UNIVERSITAS X DI PRINGSEWU 2024-11-08T03:24:09+00:00 Vera Agustin Meilia Wigati <p>Psychological well-being is the state of an individual who is physically and mentally healthy. A form of psychological well-being is a feeling of happiness or satisfaction where the individual can feel that their psychological condition is in good condition. The research objective was to determine the correlation between gratitude and psychological well-being in scholarship students at the X University of Pringsewu. This research employed a quantitative approach and a purposive sampling technique. The sample in this study was 125 students who received scholarships. This research data uses product moment analysis techniques using the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) 25.0 for Windows program. Based on the results of the product moment analysis (r = 0.773; P = 0.000), this data analysis shows that there is a significant correlation between gratitude and psychological well-being in scholarship students at the X University of Pringsewu. This means that the higher the gratitude towards students, the higher the level of psychological well-being they have. Conversely, students who are less grateful also tend to be less psychologically well-off. Gratitude has a 59,7% coefficient of determination when it comes to psychological well-being.</p> 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psikologi Prima Hubungan Team Learning Capability (TLC) dan Supportive Work Environment (SWE) Pada Perguruan Tinggi Negeri dan Swasta di Indonesia 2024-06-28T03:06:35+00:00 Anisa Aulia Siti Maimunah Shanty Komalasari <p>This study aims to examine the relationship between Team Learning Capability (TLC) and a Supportive Work Environment (SWE) in public and private universities in Indonesia. The method used is a quantitative approach with data collected through questionnaires distributed online to 201 respondents, consisting of 98 public university students and 103 private university students. The correlation test results show a strong positive relationship between TLC and SWE in both types of universities, with Pearson's r values of 0.776 for public universities and 0.810 for private universities. The normality assumption test using the Shapiro-Wilk test indicates that the data is normally distributed. This study suggests that the higher the team learning capability, the more supportive the work environment in the universities. This conclusion underscores the importance of developing team learning capabilities to create a supportive work environment in the academic context.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psikologi Prima PENGARUH PERSEPSI HARGA DAN KUALITAS LAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN PADA PENGGUNAAN KARTU INDOSAT DI KECAMATAN CERME 2024-11-30T06:01:33+00:00 Putri Ega Selvya Asri Rejeki Citrawanti Oktavia <p>This study aims to determine the effect of perceived price and service quality on customer satisfaction when using an indosat card. This study uses quantitative approach, through the correlational method. The respondents of this study are residents of Cerme Subdistrict Indosat card users. In sampling through nonprobability sampling using incidental sampling technique. A total of 151 respondents. Scale validity test using content validity. Reliability test using Alpha Cornbach. Data analysis using multiple linear regression tests with IBM Statistical Program For Social Science (SPSS) for windows version 21. From this study, the results obtained are the simultaneous influence between price perceptions and service quality on customer satisfaction of Indosat card users in Cerme sub-district residents with a significance value of 0.000 (p &lt;0.05). In the regression analysis test, a significant value of 0.021 (p &lt;0.05) was obtained, which means that there is no influence between price perceptions on customer satisfaction. The regression test obtained a significance value of 0.232 (p&gt;0.05) which means that there is an effect of service quality on customer satisfaction. The R Square (R2) test results show a figure of 0.201, which means that the price perception and service quality variables contribute 21.1% to the customer satisfaction variable, while the remaining 79.9% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.</p> 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psikologi Prima Hubungan Dukungan Organisasi dengan Komitmen Kerja pada Personil Korps Brimob Polda Sumatera Utara 2024-12-17T03:18:25+00:00 Bernad Ekarisman Ndruru <p>Organizational Support is a social, emotional, thought, and behavioral process in an individual's relationship with the organization, where individuals can adapt to the challenges and difficulties. This study aims to look at the relationship between organizational Support and the work commitment of Poldasu Brimob Corps personnel. This research uses quantitative methods. The population in this study amounted to 777 people. The research sample used a random sampling technique with 125 personnel. The measuring instruments used are the organizational Support and work commitment scales. Simple linear regression analysis is a technique used in this study. The results showed a significant relationship between organizational Support and work commitment with the coefficient Freg = 24.657; sig &lt;0.00. This result makes the hypothesis acceptable. There is a significant relationship between organizational Support and work commitment, with a correlation coefficient rx₂y=0.488; sig&lt;0.001, with a practical contribution weight of 29%. That is, 71% influence or other factors influence work commitment. The subjects in this study had high organizational Support and high work commitment. On that basis, the Brimob Corps personnel are expected to continue improving the existing organizational Support to maintain maximum work commitment.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psikologi Prima PENGARUH SELF COMPASSION TERHADAP RESILIENSI REMAJA PADA SISWA DI SMA NEGERI 3 BINJAI 2024-12-12T08:55:05+00:00 Nurul Hasanah Mardiati - Windi Ardianti Fatmawati Sitepu <p>One of the important abilities in adolescent development is resilience because the social, biological, and psychological changes experienced by adolescents require them to be adaptive in dealing with problems. In this condition, they need self-compassion to accept all the external challenges related to problems with family, school, and an uncertain future. This study aims to determine the effect of Self Compassion on Adolescent Resilience. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 3 Binjai. This research method uses non-test techniques in the form of a questionnaire (questionnaire). The sample of this study amounted to 86 XII students. The sampling technique was done randomly. This study used simple regression analysis to see how much influence SELF COMPASSION HAS ON YOUTH RESILIENCE IN STUDENTS AT SMA NEGERI 3 BINJAI. The results showed that self-compassion influenced adolescent resilience in SMA Negeri 3 Binjai students. This is indicated by tcount&gt; table (33.205&gt; 1.667) and p = 0.000. Furthermore, based on the results of the variable influence test, the R Square value is 0.929 (92.9%). This shows that self-compassion has an influence on resilience by 92.9%. Meanwhile, 7.1% is influenced by other factors.</p> 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psikologi Prima Meningkatkan Motivasi Mencapai Makna Hidup Untuk Pulih Pada Pecandu Narkoba Di Fokus Rehabilitasi Narkoba Indonesia 2024-11-21T08:08:07+00:00 Marsela Giovani Aritonang Petra Johanna Flora Liharni Purba Friyanka H.D. Sitorus Beby Astri Tarigan <p>This study presents the results of community service to increase motivation to recover as the meaning of life in drug addicts carried out at the Indonesian Narcotics Rehabilitation Focus. The methods used in this program include psychoeducation sessions and discussions for 2 hours, then followed by clinical interview sessions for people with an addiction to reflect on their life experiences and the recovery process for 1 hour. This community service was attended by 20 residents, several students, and lecturers. The results obtained in this activity are the impact of strong internal motivation, and a positive environment is very important for recovery as the meaning of life. This program emphasizes the importance of motivation to recover as the meaning of life in living a quality and prosperous life while in rehabilitation and preparing for life outside rehabilitation. This service aims to provide insight into effective rehabilitation strategies for drug addicts who want to recover and reintegrate into society. Residents who participated in the activity felt that they received social support and were more motivated to recover.</p> 2024-11-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psikologi Prima EFEKTIVITAS TERAPI DZIKIR DALAM MENURUNKAN TINGKAT KECEMASAN PADA PENDERITA HIPERTENSI: KAJIAN LITERATUR 2024-12-11T08:52:29+00:00 Alfi Wirda Mawaddah Yuliana Intan Lestari Harmaini - <p>Dhikr therapy is effective in reducing anxiety levels and blood pressure in hypertensive patients. This study aims to explore the effectiveness of dhikr therapy in reducing anxiety in people with hypertension. The literature review was conducted by analyzing research articles that met the inclusion criteria, namely articles that discuss the effect of dhikr therapy as a relaxation method in individuals with hypertension, published in indexed journals and published in the last 10 years. The thematic analysis method was used to identify the main patterns of relevant research results. The results showed that dhikr therapy has a significant positive impact on reducing anxiety levels and improving emotional well-being in people with hypertension. Some studies have also shown a decrease in anxiety and stress, as well as improvements in blood pressure after regular dhikr practice. These findings suggest that dhikr can be an additional approach to the management of hypertension and anxiety, especially for populations seeking non-pharmacological interventions. However, further research is needed to corroborate its long-term effectiveness and optimal therapeutic techniques.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Psikologi Prima Hubungan Antara Iklim Sekolah Dengan School Well-Being Pada Siswa Smk X 2024-11-06T07:43:40+00:00 Erlisa Winda Pertiwi Rima Wilantika <p>School well-being refers to students' feelings of happiness when their basic needs at school are met, encompassing school conditions, social relationships, self-fulfillment, and school health. One of the factors influencing school well-being is the school climate. This study aims to examine the relationship between school well-being and school climate among 11th-grade students at SMK X Gadingrejo. Using a quantitative approach and purposive sampling technique, the study involved 100 students from the total population of 11th graders. The data analysis used was product-moment correlation with SPSS 25.0, revealing a significant positive relationship (r = 0.406, ρ = 0.000) between school climate and school well-being, with an effective contribution of 16.5%. These findings highlight the importance of fostering a supportive school environment through collaborative activities, improved facilities, and personal development programs to enhance students' well-being.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Psikologi Prima ANALISA MODEL PEMBELAJARAN STUDENT CENTRED LEARNING 2025-02-14T05:05:39+00:00 Endang Indayani Sri Hartini <p>Student-Centered Learning (SCL) is a learning model that places students at the center of the learning process, encouraging them to be more active, independent, and responsible in understanding the material. In the Merdeka Curriculum, this model provides flexibility for educators to design more relevant learning experiences. Several methods within SCL include Student Team Achievement Division (STAD), Small Group Discussion, Discovery Learning, Cooperative Learning, and Project-Based Learning (PjBL). The STAD method is widely applied as it emphasizes teamwork in understanding the material while maintaining individual evaluation. This learning model has been proven to enhance students’ motivation, critical thinking skills, and social interaction. However, implementing SCL also comes with challenges, such as requiring more time and demanding teachers to take on a more active role as facilitators. With proper implementation, SCL can help students achieve better comprehension and develop essential skills for both academic and professional success.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Psikologi Prima Metode Bercerita untuk Meningkatan Perilaku Patuh Pada Anak Usia Dini 2025-02-14T01:09:03+00:00 Lusinta Rehna Ginting LusintaRehnaginting1* <p>This study aims to improve obedient behavior in early childhood by applying the storytelling method at PAUD Al-Ihmy Medan. The research method used is Classroom Action Research (PTK) with a quantitative descriptive approach. The subjects of this study were 20 early childhood. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation sheets of children's obedient behavior before and after applying the storytelling method. The results showed that storytelling significantly improved children's obedient behavior in each cycle. At the pre-cycle stage, children's obedience was at an average of 57.24% (less category). After applying the storytelling method in cycle I, the level of compliance increased to 63.89% (sufficient category). A more significant increase occurred in cycle II, where the average obedient behavior reached 78.88% (good category). These results show that the storytelling method is effective in instilling obedience values in early childhood. Thus, storytelling can be an innovative learning strategy to shape children's characters early on.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Psikologi Prima The Role of Job Stress to Work – Life Balance among Women Nursing Paramedic at Medan City Hospital 2025-02-15T02:56:53+00:00 Putri Fatimah Surnarsih - Alfina Tiurmida Sitanggang Arifin - Raspan - <p>The research examines the role of job stress in work-life balance among women nursing paramedics at Medan City Hospital. This research used a quantitative method. A total of 324 women nursing paramedics at Medan City Hospital participated in this research. The measurement was conducted using the job stress and work-life balance scales. Data on this research was analyzed using a linear regression test. The results of this research show a role of job stress and work-life balance among female nursing paramedics because the statistic shows that T value -8.8260 &gt; T table 1.960 and p = 0,000 &lt; 0,050. Another result is that the job stress of women nursing paramedics is categorized as high, and the work-life balance of women nursing paramedics is categorized as low. Therefore, it is recommended that further research be carried out with qualitative methods or mixed design and consider other variables.</p> 2024-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Psikologi Prima