About the Journal
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN ILMU KOMPUTER PRIMA (JUTIKOMP) was published by the Faculty Technology and Computer Science Universitas Prima Indonesia (UNPRI) Medan since April 2018. It's published periodically twice a year in April and October. By e-ISSN : 2621-234X, DOI : 10.34012/jutikomp.v1i1, Indexing : Google Scholar; Garuda; PKP. JUTIKOMP contains the manuscripts of research results in the field of Information Technology and Computer Science and is committed to containing quality Indonesian articles and can be the main reference for researchers in the field of Information Technology and Computer Science.
Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Big Data Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis, Social Media Analisys; Aritificial Robotic; Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing and pattern Recognition, Computer Security, Human Computer Interaction, Bussines Intelligence.
Current Issue

JUTIKOMP contains research papers in the field of Information Technology and Computer Science and is committed to publishing quality articles that can become the main reference for researchers in the field of Information Technology and Computer Science.