JKPI: Jurnal Kesmas Prima Indonesia [P-ISSN 2355-164X | E-ISSN 2721-110X ] publised by Universitas Prima Indonesia. JKPI publishes the article based on research or equivalent to research results in public health or other disciplines related to public health that has not been loaded/published by other media. The journal contains articles about epidemiology and biostatistics, health policy and administration, public health nutrition, environmental health, occupational health and safety, health promotion, reproductive health, maternal and child health, and other related articles in public health. The journal can be used by health practitioners, health caregivers, teachers, medical students, and people who are interested in public health issues. The journal was first published in July 2019. Since 2019, the journal were published twice a year in January, and July.

Based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology Number 204/E/KPT/2022. Dated October 3, 2022, Jurnal Kesmas Prima Indonesia has been accredited for five years as a scientific journal and indexed by SINTA 6.

Vol. 9 No. 1 (2025): January Edition

Published: 2025-01-06

Relationship between Compliance in Implementing Patient Admission SOPs and Nurse Performance in Inpatient Rooms

Eka Isranil Laily, Almina Rospitaria Tarigan, Nurlela Petra Saragih, Dedek Sucahyo


The Influence Of Human Resources Competency In The Utilization Of Simrs In Bandung General Hospital Medan City

Sapriadi Sapriadi, Khairaniswah Khairaniswah, Khairatunnisa Khairatunnisa


Mental Health Characteristics of the Elderly in Tegal City

Khusnul Khotimah, Yuli Trisnawati, Muhamad Heriyono, Adinda Putri Vianadin


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