The Effect Of Digital Marketing And Non-Cash Payments (E-Wallet) on Increasing Student’s Buying Interest Through Consumer Trust as an Intervening Variable at STKIP Pangeran Antasari Medan
The influence of the use of digital marketing and non-cash payments (E-Wallet) on increasing purchasing power through consumer trust, as an intervening variable in STKIP students. The business environment of a digital marketing company consists of actors and forces originating from outside the marketing management function that influence management's ability to run a digital marketing business in the modern era today. Non-cash payments (E-Wallet) are one of the products in server-based digital payments which are part of financial technology. Digital payment is a non-cash payment system where the payment method is carried out by consumers by making inter-bank transfers based on online payments using certain applications or chips. So that they can use the application easily. Digital payments are server-basedDownloads
How to Cite
Eka Chairani, Rosita Bangun, & Fenny Krisna Marpaung. (2025). The Effect Of Digital Marketing And Non-Cash Payments (E-Wallet) on Increasing Student’s Buying Interest Through Consumer Trust as an Intervening Variable at STKIP Pangeran Antasari Medan. PUBLISH BUKU UNPRI PRESS ISBN, 1(1). Retrieved from