Free, Treatment, Tanjung GustaAbstract
Treatment is a real action of scientific decisions made by doctors which are based on the knowledge and skills to carry out treatment interventions that provide the maximum benefit and the smallest possible risk for the patient. This treatment is carried out based on the findings or diagnosis obtained during the history and examination by a doctor. The development of the disease encourages people to seek alternative treatments that are therapeutically effective but also cost efficient. The general objective of this counseling is to assist the community / government in improving the public health status as well as assisting the treatment of the underprivileged. The method used in the activity went through a series of stages, including counseling / education, and assistance starting from the fact-gathering stage by seeing the latest conditions at the location of free treatment. The implementation aspect of the activity is carried out by organizing the activities to be carried out in accordance with the duties and functions of each personnel, and the last aspect, namely evaluating and monitoring, is carried out after the free medical treatment. The community was formed through several activities, namely: coordination with RT administrators, hamlets, and community leaders, providing health services with free medical treatment, providing health education about free medical treatment. The results achieved by this program start from data collection, deliberations with community leaders to determine how many people will attend the free medical treatment in the area. Midwifery service activities in the community with counseling on free medical treatment in Tanjung Gusta Village were well received by the surrounding community. By collaborating with midwives and cadres at the site, this counseling can be carried out well. Many people came to attend the counseling. They were given health education regarding the benefits of free medical treatment. They were very enthusiastic about the free medical treatment being held in the Tanjung Gusta area, Medan.