Analisa Frekuensi Hasil Enkripsi Pada Algoritma Kriptografi Blowfish Terhadap Keamanan Informasi


  • Ferdy Riza STMIK LOGIKA
  • Nurmala Sridewi AMIK Logika
  • Amir Mahmud Husein Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Muhammad Khoiruddin Harahap Politeknik Ganesha Medan



Information security frequency analysis, Blowfish, Information security, cryptography


The ease of sending data with the development of internet technology technology is now a concern, especially the problem of data confidentiality, integrity and information security. Cryptography is one of the techniques used to maintain data confidentiality and information security, the application of cryptographic techniques for information security and data integrity is highly dependent on the formation of keys. In this study proposed a frequency analysis approach to measure the level of information security of blowfish encryption results to determine the distribution form of each character used in the text and find out the exact frequency of each character used in the test text data. The encryption algorithm and description of blowfish method against plaintext are proven to be accurate, but the longer the key character used will greatly affect the level of information security that came  from encryption process, this is based on the results of the frequency analysis conducted.




How to Cite

Riza, F., Sridewi, N., Husein, A. M., & Harahap, M. K. (2018). Analisa Frekuensi Hasil Enkripsi Pada Algoritma Kriptografi Blowfish Terhadap Keamanan Informasi. JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN ILMU KOMPUTER PRIMA (JUTIKOMP), 1(1), 11-15.