Analisis Performa Rasio Kompresi Pada Metode Differensiasi ASCII Dan Lempel Ziv Welch (LZW)
Compression, Ratio, ASCII Differentiation, Lempel Ziv WelchAbstract
ASCII differentiation is a compression method that utilizes the difference value or the difference between the bytes contained in the input character. Technically, the ASCII differentiation method can be done using a coding dictionary or using windowing block instead of the coding dictionary. Previous research that has been carried out shows that the ASCII differentiation compression ratio is good enough but still needs to be analyzed on performance from the perspective of the compression ratio of the method compared to other methods that have been widely used today. In this study an analysis of the comparison of the ASCII Difference method with other compression methods such as LZW will be carried out. The selection of LZW itself is done by reason of the number of data compression applications that use the method so that it can be the right benchmark. Comparison of the compression ratio performed shows the results of ASCII differentiation have advantages compared to LZW, especially in small input characters. Whereas in large input characters, LZW can optimize the probability of pairs of characters that appear compared to ASCII differentiation which is glued to the difference values in each block of input characters so that in large size characters LZW has a greater compression ratio compared to ASCII differentiation.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Tommy Tommy, Rosyidah Siregar, Amir Mahmud Husein, Mawaddah Harahap, Ferdy Riza

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