Monitoring Kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata Menggunakan Fitur Location Based Service

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Muhammad Kustar


Community Service Program (KKN) is one of the lecture activities with the aim to give students the opportunity to practice the knowledge that has been obtained in the class. Field Supervisor(DPL) and KKN committees conduct KKN monitoring by assigning gradess to students. The assessment process is still done manually. To perform the final grades processing, DPLs and committees send grades to administration via email. Grade is processed manually. The manual method takes quite a long time, thus slowing down the processing of grades. An integrated KKN monitoring application system created to improve the accuracy of monitoring of students participating in KKN and DPL. By utilizing LBS feature, DPL input student attendance and grades at KKN location. Students do presence report at the location of KKN and input activity reports using a smartphone. The tests shows that 98% of the features can work well on android kitkat versions, but 2% experience failure in getting latitude and longitude of the user location. The app can not work for android jellybean versions and earlier. Using KKN monitoring application, delivery of student reports and grades made by lecturers to students and presence reports can be done online with error rate of location determination is 10,03%.

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How to Cite
M. Kustar, “Monitoring Kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata Menggunakan Fitur Location Based Service”, JUSIKOM PRIMA, vol. 1, no. 2, Apr. 2018.