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The main problem Indonesia faces, especially in education in the era of globalization, is the low quality of human resources. One of the efforts to improve the quality of human resources is to increase interest in reading and the habit of reading. From this fact, the library is expected to be the center of activities to develop interest in reading and reading habits. Libraries have a great responsibility to increase and generate interest in reading. Library data management is one of the essential activities in running a library. Librarians must be able to process and manage book data efficiently and effectively to avoid losing library property. This study uses PHP to create a website design to assist librarians in processing and storing data about existing books. This study designs a library data processing system that contains library book loans, such as recording books, transactions, and student data collection in the library. The results of this website design can facilitate library staff in organizing and tracking library management quickly and efficiently.
Keywords: Digital Library, Library Website, Electronic Journal
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