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Information systems are needed in the development of children in the developmental period and especially in the world of health. Monitoring of children's nutritional status and stunting is necessary to determine children's weight and meet the criteria for children's nutritional status. Pukesmas Muara Satu, North Aceh District, is an implementing element or assistant to the duties of Poskesdes and Midwives in the Health of children's nutritional status and stunting in Paloh Punti Village, which is one of the agencies under the Ministry of Health. This study aims to monitor the growth and development of children such as measuring weight, height, measured to detect early if unwanted things occur such as malnutrition. The problem in this study is designing and monitoring an Information system for child nutritional status and stunting that is integrated with a web application. The purpose of this study is to find out staff and employees in managing, monitoring and accessing data. So that the data at the puskesmas is recorded in the system, and can quickly determine data on the nutritional status of children and stunting. The results of this study are to be able to find out an information system that is able to reduce problems that occur in managing data on the nutritional status of children and stunting at the Muara Satu Health Center. This system is very important because it can make it easier for staff to record the nutritional status of children and stunting at the Health Center. then the results of the KNN (K-Nearest Neighbor) model classification with the recapitulation of the value of new cases with old cases in the first test section is 0.6944, the second test is 0.6388, the third test is 0.555, the fifth test is 0.6388.
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