Writing Guideline

The submitted articles have not been previously published, either partially or in full, in any other journals. The article manuscripts are the original work of the authors and are free from plagiarism, as stated in the author's declaration form provided. The manuscripts should be submitted in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document format.

The articles should be written in good, academic English. However, authors are still allowed to submit articles in Indonesian, and the translation process will be conducted after the manuscript goes through the review process and is accepted. Translation costs will be attributed toward the authors as an additional fee, separate from the publication fee. The predetermined fees can be found in the publication fee tab.

The submission should include the following:

  1. Title: The title should be effective and clear in both Indonesian and English, with a maximum of 20 words.
  2. Full name of the author(s) (without titles) and co-authors (if any, without titles), corresponding email address, and contact number.
  3. Name of the institution/university.

Abstract: The abstract should be written in both Indonesian and English, with a maximum length of 300 words. It should include Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion, and Keywords (3 to 5 words).

The manuscript should be structured as follows:

Original Article

  1. Introduction (consisting of background and research objectives)
  2. Methods (including research design, population, sample, data sources, data collection techniques, and data analysis procedures)
  3. Results (presenting research findings without the author's opinion)
  4. Discussion (explaining clear and argumentative findings along with relevant theories and previous studies)
  5. Conclusion and recommendations (addressing research problems within the scope of the findings, recommendations should refer to the research objectives)
  6. References (authors should only include references cited in the article)


  1. Introduction (including the problem to be discussed)
  2. Discussion
  3. Conclusion and Recommendations
  4. References

Case Report

  1. Introduction
  2. Case Report
  3. Discussion
  4. Conclusion and Recommendations
  5. References

Citation Styles

Citations should be typed using the numbering system recommended by the Vancouver style guidelines, as follows:

  1. Last name/Last name and first initial(s)
  2. Title
  3. Journal name or Publisher
  4. Year, Volume, and page numbers
  5. In the text, reference numbers should correspond to the order of the citation.

To maintain consistency, authors are encouraged to use reference management software such as Mendeley, Zotero, or EndNote.

Table and Figure

Tables (typed with single spacing and sequentially numbered), illustrations, figures, and graphs should be provided with captions.

The Article Template can be downloaded here.

The Author Statement can be downloaded here and uploaded as Supplementary Files during the manuscript submission.