Hubungan Beban Kerja Dengan Kelelahan Kerja Pada Perawat Di Gedung Instalasi Rawat Inap Terpadu
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Workload is one of the factors that influence nurses ability to be able to provide services. Various kinds of
nursing tasks that must be done when handling patients such as managing patient insurance, encouraging
patients, delivering laundry clothes to be washed, demands of patients and families of patients treated who
want to get good attention and more so with the increasing number of patients. patients at certain times during
work shifts, especially daytime work shifts and night work shifts are predicted to be a heavy workload for
nurses. Work fatigue is one of the performance reducing factors that can increase the error rate at work. This
study aims to determine the "Relationship between Workload and Nurse Fatigue Work in Gedung Instalasi
Rawat Inap Terpadu (Rindu) B Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat H. Adam Malik Medan”. This type of research is an
analytical survey using cross sectional design. The sample in this study amounted to 98 nurses in Gedung
Instalasi Rawat Inap Terpadu (Rindu) B Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat H. Adam Malik Medan. The sampling
technique uses purposive sampling technique. Statistical tests were performed with the chi square test. The
results showed that the relationship between workload and work fatigue from the chi square test results
obtained pvalue of 0.001 (P˂0.05). The conclusion of this study is the relationship of workload with nurse
fatigue work. To reduce work fatigue it is expected to the H. Adam Malik General Hospital Medan that it is
necessary to make and implement a policy related to developing careers for nurses based on competency and
performance spirit so that nurses can be motivated and can work with spirit.
Keywords: Workload, fatigue work, nurse, hospital
References: 10 (2013 – 2018)