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Frans Judea Samosir




The tendency of the prevalence of nutritional status of balita (below five year-old children) in Indonesia increased from 2007 to 2013: the status of malnutrition was from 5.4% in 2007 to 5.7% in 2013. Of the 1060 below five year-old children at Kelurahan Belawan II in 2016, two of them suffered from malnutrition. The objective of the research was to find out the correlation between the amount of food consumption, type of food consumption and  frequency of food consumption with the nutritional status of below five year-old children at Kelurahan Belawan II, Medan Belawan. The research used an analytic survey method with sectional design. The population was 1060 below five year-old children, and 53 of them were used as the samples and the respondents consisted of 53 mothers. The data of food consumption pattern were gathered by using a 24 Hour-Food Recall, and the nutritional status anthropometry with BB/U (Body Weight of Age).The data were analyzed by using chi-square test. The result showed that 98.1% of the samples of food consumption pattern were in good category, 96.2% of the type of food consumption was not varied, 100% of the samples of food consumption frequency was infrequent, so that all in all the samples of food consumption was not good. 62.3% of the samples were good nutritional status, 35.8% the samples were nutritional deficiency, and 1.9% of the samples were malnutrition. The result of the statistic analysis showed that there was no correlation of the amount of food consumption with the nutritional status of balita and the type of food consumption with the nutritional status of balita. There was correlation between the frequency of food consumption and the nutritional status of below balita. It is recommended that the mothers who have balita be provided with knowledge and skill on child nutrition in Posyandu (Integrated Health Service Post

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