The Mediating Role Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior On The Influence Of Transformational Leadership On Employee Performance In Private Plantations In Riau
To improve the performance of a company, various sectors must work together. The role of leadership in leading a company is very important. Therefore, this study will examine the mediating role of organizational citizenship attitudes towards the influence of transformational management on employee performance in private plantations in Riau. The research data were collected through an explanatory method with 200 respondents. Plantations in Riau are the location of the study. The study shows that transformational leadership has a positive impact on organizational citizenship behavior, performance, and organizational commitment. Organizational citizenship mediation also has a positive impact on transformational leadership on employee performance. So, each variable has an influence on employee performance in private plantation companies in Riau.
Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behavior Mediation, Transformational Leadership, Employee Performance, Private Plantations in Riau