About the Journal

Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Prima (JUSIKOM PRIMA) is published by the Information Systems study program, Faculty of Technology and Computer Science, University of Prima Indonesia (UNPRI) Medan as a medium for publishing scientific papers for researchers. The scientific works produced are in the form of qualitative and quantitative research results, information system design, analysis and application program design. This journal is published twice a year, in February and August.

JUSIKOM PRIMA contains articles on research results and conceptual studies in the fields of informatics engineering, computer science and information systems. Published twice a year in February and August. The main topics published include:

Information security, computer security, Networking & Data communication, Cloud & grid computing, Mobile Computing & Applications, Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support System, Big Data Analysis, Data Analyst, Data Science, Data Warehouse
System Analyst, Playing Data, And others (other topics related to information technology)
E - ISSN: 2580-2879