Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Prima (JUSIKOM PRIMA) is published by the Information Systems study program, Faculty of Technology and Computer Science, University of Prima Indonesia (UNPRI) Medan as a medium for publishing scientific papers for researchers. The scientific works produced are in the form of qualitative and quantitative research results, information system design, analysis and application program design. This journal is published twice a year, in February and August.

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E - ISSN: 2580-2879

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Published: 2025-02-07

Comparative Analysis of the Customer Satisfaction Index and Service Quality Methods in Measuring BPJS Patient Satisfaction at Royal Prima Hospital

Ria Putri Zevanya, Christine Ester Novita Sari , Rafael Crisman MPH, Muhammad Rusdi Batubara, Donni Nasution
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