growth chart, children height, stunting, posyandu caderAbstract
The prevalence of Stunting of children in developing countries is still high including Indonesia. Basic health research Riskesdas, 2013 found that 37.2% were stunted. To detect stunting, community empowerment team used Height Score growth chart. Previous research found that this chart had high sensitivity and specificity. The purpose of this study to improve skill of posyandu caders in using wall growth chart and determine nutritional status of children.
A total of 25 Posyandu cadres were trained on the application of wall growth chart. Caders skill was evaluated by five components; pus the chart on the wall, validation, posing the children, detemine height dan determine nutritional status.
Of the 36 children 25% of them was stunteded, 25% was rather stunting and 50% was normal. Conclusion. Wall growth chart was effective in detecting stunted children in Posyandu.
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