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Putri tua Sinaga
Salda Sari Purba
David Wiranto
Okta Jaya Maharja
Evta Indra


This study aims to explore the clinical data of patients diagnosed with heart failure using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm as a classification method. Clinical data from verified patients has been collected and analyzed to identify patterns, associations, and risk factors contributing to heart failure risk. The exploratory data analysis results reveal essential clinical data characteristics and provide initial insight into patient profiles and clinical variables that can influence heart failure risk. The SVM model was built to predict the risk of heart failure based on clinical data. This model is evaluated using classification metrics such as F1-Score and accuracy. Evaluation results show good performance with an F1-Score reaching 0.83, which indicates a reasonable degree of accuracy and balance in predicting the risk of heart failure. The conclusion of this study shows the potential of the classification model as a tool in managing heart failure patients. This model can help medical personnel identify high-risk patients and provide appropriate treatment to prevent disease progression and improve prognosis. However, these results need further verification with more in-depth analysis and validation using broader data. This model can help medical personnel identify high-risk patients and provide appropriate treatment to prevent disease progression and improve prognosis. However, these results need further verification with more in-depth analysis and validation using broader data. This model can help medical personnel identify high-risk patients and provide appropriate treatment to prevent disease progression and improve prognosis. However, these results need further verification with more in-depth analysis and validation using broader data.


Keywords: Exploratory Data Analysis, Heart Failure, Classification, Python, Support Vector Machine

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How to Cite
P. tua Sinaga, S. S. Purba, D. Wiranto, O. J. Maharja, and E. Indra, “EXPLORATORY DATA ANALYSIS OF CLINICAL HEART FAILURE USING A SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE”, JUSIKOM PRIMA, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 142-154, Aug. 2023.


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