Pengaruh Fasilitas, Kualitas Tentor, Harga terhadap kepuasan peserta didik Bimbingan Belajar Makarios

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Melinda Siregar cimey


Tutoring is a place to gain knowledge apart from studying at school. Therefore, here the researchers are interested in exploring what things can influence the development of tutoring places so that in the future this has the potential for institutional owners to improve the tutoring they manage. The tutoring places that are being studied are institutions. Makarios tutoring and the independent variable which is the object of research is Facilities, Tenor Quality, Price, while the dependent variable in this research is student satisfaction. The evidence established in this study is primary evidence that can be accepted with distributed questionnaires to 116 resource persons who were Makarios tutoring students. The technique used in this scientific work is quantitative and conclusion The technique specified in Observation is part test (Validity and Reliability), test Basic Normality, Classical Assumption tests (Normality tests, Multicollinearity tests, Autocorrelation tests and testsHeteroscedasticity), Hypothesis Test (Multiple Linear Regression Analysis test, F test, t test and t test Coefficient of Determination). The implementation of this Scientific Work proves the impression that F(simultaneous) test model Facilities, Quality of Tentors, Prices meaningful and relevant on Student satisfaction and likewise the t test determination (partial) states that the Quality of Facilities  (X1), Tentor Quality (X2) and Price (X3) are meaningful and relevant to Student Satisfaction (Y).

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