The Influence Of Education Level And Religious Knowledge On Social Welfare In The Community In The Ecotourism Area Of Tangkahan, Langkat Regency
This study aims to investigate and analyze the influence of education level, religious knowledge, and geographical climate on social welfare and improving the intellectual quality of human resources in the Tangkahan ecotourism area. People living in the Tangkahan ecotourism area in Langkat Regency are the subjects of this study. For this study, the sample used was 150 respondents, and sampling was done by chance. Data analysis was carried out using the Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (SEM PLS). The results of the study indicate that religious knowledge and geographical climate have a positive and significant effect on the social welfare of the community, but the level of education does not. Furthermore, religious knowledge, geographical climate, and education level have a positive and significant effect on improving the intellectual quality of human resources. Sustainable Tangkahan ecotourism development requires improving religious education and religious knowledge as well as maintaining the quality of the geographical climate of the area to improve the social welfare and intellectual quality of the human resources living there.
Keywords: Level of Education, Religious Knowledge, Social Welfare, Ecotourism