Embarkation Haji Dormitory Utilization Model For the Empowerment of Local Communities


  • I Ketut Sirna Sirna Universitas Dhyana Pura, Badung, Bali, Indonesia
  • Yeyen Komalasari
  • Dewa Putu Oka Prasiasa


Hajj dormitory, community empowerment, optimization, hotel standards, local economy


The utilization model of the Hajj embarkation dormitory has significant potential for empowering local communities and increasing non-tax state revenue. However, its current utilization remains suboptimal due to limitations in facilities, management standards, lack of innovation, and minimal involvement of local business actors. This study aims to analyze the utilization model of Hajj dormitories equivalent to star-rated hotels to enhance the welfare of the surrounding communities. The research employs a mixed-method approach, incorporating qualitative and quantitative methods through interviews, field observations, and data analysis. The findings indicate that optimizing Hajj dormitories can be achieved by improving product quality, service standards, and management in accordance with SNI-ISO 9001. Furthermore, Hajj dormitories can be repurposed for various functions, such as public accommodations, training centers, spiritual tourism, and event venues. Involving local communities in the management of Hajj dormitories also contributes to economic growth by creating employment and business opportunities. With a more strategic management model, Hajj embarkation dormitories can be utilized productively throughout the year, beyond the Hajj season.




How to Cite

Sirna, I. K. S., Yeyen Komalasari, & Dewa Putu Oka Prasiasa. (2025). Embarkation Haji Dormitory Utilization Model For the Empowerment of Local Communities. PUBLISH BUKU UNPRI PRESS ISBN, 1(1). Retrieved from https://jurnal.unprimdn.ac.id/index.php/ISBN/article/view/6432