The Effect Of Financial Literacy, Fintech P2p Lending, And Payment Gateway On The Financial Performance Of Msmes In Medan City (Case Study Of Medan Petisah 2020-2024)
In Indonesia, MSMEs play an important role in the economy as a way to accelerate regional development. However, MSMEs often experience delays in their development, due to several problems that often occur, such as difficulty obtaining financing and lack of financial literacy knowledge. Some efforts that can be made include increasing financial literacy knowledge and utilizing fintech p2p lending and payment gateways. The research objective is to find out whether there is an influence of financial literacy, fintech p2p lending, and payment gateway on the financial performance of MSMEs in Medan City. Quantitative research methods using primary and secondary data by distributing to MSME players in Medan City totaling 87 samples. The results of this study can be seen from the R square value, which is 81.8%, which means that financial literacy in fintech p2p lending and payment gateway affect the financial performance of MSMEs in Medan city, while the remaining 18.2% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.