Ilmu Hukum Prima (IHP) 2024-05-29T07:54:15+00:00 Sigar P. Berutu, S.H.,M.H. Open Journal Systems <p>Ilmu Hukum Prima (IHP) has agreed to follow the ethical standards set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Authors must comply and pay attention to authorship, plagiarism, duplicate publications, data falsification, and citation manipulation, as well as ethical approval and Intellectual Property Rights.</p> PERTANGGUNGJAWABAN NOTARIS PEMEGANG PROTOKOL TERHADAP KEABSAHAN AKTA NOTARIS TERKAIT DUGAAN ADANYA KESALAHAN DI DALAM MINUTA AKTA YANG DITERIMANYA (Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 1791 K/Pdt/2022) 2024-05-08T09:32:10+00:00 Tommy - Tony - Rosnidar Sembiring Suprayitno - <p>The plaintiff in the Supreme Court's decision Number 1791 K/Pdt/2022 sued the Notary public, holding the protocol as the defendant. The object of the lawsuit in the Supreme Court's decision is the Notary's deed in the Notary public protocol, which was received by the Notary public holding the protocol. The plaintiff disputed the error in the Notary's deed. Based on expert opinion, the Notary public who did the deed is responsible for the Notary's deed in the protocol, but the Notary who did the deed died. The Notary public holding the protocol is responsible for storing and maintaining the Notary public protocol he receives, but the Notary public holding the protocol was sued in the decision. This research uses normative legal research, which is descriptive and analytical in nature. The data source used is library data. The data collection technique and tool used is library research. This research analyzes data qualitatively. Based on Article 65 of the Law of Notary Public, the Notary public who makes the deed is responsible for the minutes of the deed he had made even though the minutes of the deed had been handed over to the Notary public holding the protocol. The Notary public holding the protocol is not responsible if there is a lawsuit regarding the contents of the minutes of the deed contained in the protocol he received. The Supreme Court's decision concerns Notary public matters, only considering the lawsuit as lacking parties.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ilmu Hukum Prima (IHP) PENANGANAN DUGAAN PEMERASAN DALAM PENERAPAN RESTORATIVE JUSTICE DALAM PERATURAN POLISI NO.08 TAHUN 2021 BAGI PENYALAHGUNAAN NARKOTIKA DI PANTI REHABILITASI 2023-10-31T07:18:59+00:00 R. Wikra Febrian Kusumah <p>Rehabilitation Center is a place. In this study, researchers used the normative juridical method, which is research focused on examining the application of rules or norms in positive law. This method is carried out to know the handling of allegations of extortion in the application of restorative justice against drug abuse in rehabilitation centers and to find out the implementation of restorative justice in Perpol No. 8 of 2021 against drug abuse in rehabilitation centers. This study found that this restorative justice approach involves law enforcement officials, families, and communities, considering addicts and victims as individuals who need rehabilitation. Measures to prevent extortion in rehabilitation centers, respond to reports, investigate, enforce the law, and protect and support victims should be provided. Education and collaboration with relevant agencies are also important. Restorative justice can address drug abuse holistically, protect individual rights, and create a safe rehabilitation environment. Synergy from law enforcement officials, stakeholders, and the community is needed to tackle drug abuse, especially among children, adolescents, and the younger generation. Restorative justice approaches help victims recover, create a safer environment, and minimize community unrest. Its implementation needs to involve various parties to increase the effectiveness of drug case resolution and provide rehabilitation opportunities for drug users.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ilmu Hukum Prima (IHP) Optimalisasi Eksekusi Restitusi Bagi Anak yang Menjadi Korban Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual Dalam Mewujudkan Kepastian Hukum 2024-05-27T07:46:10+00:00 David Ricardo Ismail - Dewi Iryani <p>This research aims to analyze the implementation of restitution execution for child victims of sexual violence in Indonesia, as well as identify obstacles in its implementation that result in a lack of legal certainty in the provision of restitution. The aim is to improve the effectiveness and fairness of the process, especially in ensuring that child victims of sexual violence receive restitution by the court's decision. The research method used is normative juridical, using secondary data sources as primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The results found that although there have been progressive legal changes to protect children from crime, such as restitution, its implementation is still faced with several obstacles, including a lack of clarity in law enforcement if the perpetrator cannot pay restitution. As a result, child victims of sexual violence often do not receive court-mandated restitution due to the lack of appropriate sanctions against perpetrators who fail to fulfill restitution obligations.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ilmu Hukum Prima (IHP) Pengaturan Pernikahan di Bawah Umur Menurut Hukum Positif di Indonesia 2024-05-29T07:54:15+00:00 Marco Orias Hery Kuniawan Zaenal <p>Underage marriage, defined as a marriage in which one or both parties have not reached the minimum age prescribed by law, is a complex social issue with far-reaching impacts for individuals, families and communities. The impact of underage marriage which, among others, can increase the risk of complications in pregnancy and childbirth, maternal or infant mortality, child stunting, hampering education, limiting employment opportunities, plunging into poverty, risk of depression, domestic violence and harming the freedom of individual autonomy. For this reason, community participation is needed, including raising awareness about the negative impacts of underage marriage through education and advocacy. On the other hand, the role of the government is also needed, namely by strengthening regulations and law enforcement related to the minimum age of marriage, providing access to education and comprehensive reproductive health services, encouraging economic empowerment programs and improving the standard of living of the community and building cross-sectoral cooperation to prevent underage marriage. This research uses normative legal research, which is descriptive and analytical. The data source used is library data. The data collection technique and tool used is library research. This research analyzes data qualitatively. Based on Article 65 of the Law of Notary Public, the Notary public who makes the deed is responsible for the minutes of the deed he had made even though the minutes of the deed had been handed over to the Notary public holding the protocol. The Notary public holding the protocol is not responsible if there is a lawsuit regarding the contents of the minutes of the deed contained in the protocol he received. The Supreme Court's decision concerns Notary public matters, only considering the lawsuit as lacking parties.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ilmu Hukum Prima (IHP) PERAN ADMINISTRASI NEGARA DALAM PRESPEKTIF HUKUM DI INDONESIA 2024-05-27T07:33:48+00:00 Oksilia Yulita Indah John Pieris Wiwik S. Widiarty <p>This thesis examines the role of state administration from a legal perspective in Indonesia, focusing on its dynamics, challenges, and practical implications. Through a comprehensive review of literature and data collection using methods such as legal document analysis, case studies, interviews, and surveys, this thesis explores the relationship between state administration and law within the framework of a legal state. The analysis highlights the complexity of the state administration's role in carrying out its duties by legal principles, including protecting human rights, enforcing justice, and sustainability of good governance. Furthermore, this thesis identifies the central challenges state administration faces and formulates policy recommendations to enhance its role in ensuring compliance with the law in Indonesia.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ilmu Hukum Prima (IHP) MEMBANGUN SISTEM E-GOVERNMENT SEBAGAI TEROBOSAN MELAWAN KORUPSI DI INDONESIA 2024-05-08T09:54:49+00:00 Dedy suryanta Surbakti <p>Corruption is an act of abuse of power or position for personal or group interests that are detrimental to the nation and State without considering the negative impact on the public interest. E-government encourages the active participation of citizens in monitoring and controlling a government's pace more quickly and efficiently to emphasize the practice of corruption. This research is library research. The research method used in this research is qualitative research. The data sources used are primary and secondary. The research results show that E-government increases transparency, accountability, and administration and increases direct community involvement in monitoring the course of government activities. Some e-government models can be used, such as Government-to-Government (G2G), Government-to-Business (G2B), Government-to-Citizen (G2C), and Government-to-Employee (G2E). Some examples of e-government include e-procurement, e-tendering, e-catalog, page, and Sinar application. Empowerment of competent human resources in the Information Technology (IT) field is essential so that e-government services in Indonesia can be developed, maintained, and optimized correctly so that the prevention and eradication of corruption can be realized with the E-government system.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ilmu Hukum Prima (IHP)