ELT (English Language Teaching Prima Journal) 2025-03-03T08:45:03+00:00 (ELT (English Language Teaching Prima Journal)) Open Journal Systems <p>The ELT (English Language Teaching Prima) journal is published by the English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Prima Indonesia University. Language, Learning, Literature. This ELT journal is published twice a year. The first issue of the current year is in June and the second issue is December. Every time it is published, this journal contains articles that examine and discuss issues of education, linguistics, literature and language teaching. This journal contains articles on research results and conceptual ideas written in English.</p> <p> </p> REALIZATION OF THE EXPERIENTIAL FUNCTION IN WRITING REPORT TEXT AT SECOND-GRADE STUDENTS OF SMA BUDDHIS BODHICITTA MEDAN 2024-07-31T02:45:23+00:00 Rointan Lubis Carolina Pakpahan Sahat Taruli Siahaan <p>The purpose of this study was to find out how is the experiential function realized in the report text writing of students in the second grade at SMA Buddhis Bodhicitta Meda, and what is the most dominant process found in the report text writing of students in the second grade at SMA Buddhist Bodhicitta Medan. This study used a qualitative descriptive method in analyzing data. Data was taken from the writings of 33 students as data. The data used is 486 clauses consisting of 6 processes which are experiential functions.&nbsp; From the data obtained, material processes were obtained 246 times (50.6%), mental processes 22 times (4.5%), relational processes 22 times (41.8%), behavioral processes 1 time (0.2%), verbal process 5 times (1%), and the last is existential process 9 times (1.9%). In this study, material processes were the most widely found or predominantly experiential function process type used by students in their report text writing. The realization of such a process of experiential functioning is most widely used by students because the error use of chosen verb in report text writing based on the lexicogrammatical features. Each student uses the process of such an experiential function to indicate something that depends on the intent to be conveyed. This type of process experiential function is used to describe an ongoing event by using action verbs in its description according to the social function of the report text.</p> 2024-12-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rointan Lubis AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (ELF) STUDENTS SPEAKING PROBLEMS AT TWELVE GRADES OF SMA SWASTA DHARMA KARYA BERINGIN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 2024-07-31T03:33:00+00:00 Sahlan Tampubolon Cleydia Lisyeni Verentia Sahat Taruli Siahaan <p><em>This research delves into the speaking challenges faced by English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students at SMA Swasta Dharma Karya Beringin in the academic year 2024/2025, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of the linguistic and psychological obstacles hindering students' proficiency in spoken English. By integrating psycholinguistic and language learning theories, the study explores how psychological factors and effective language acquisition strategies influence language learning processes. Through interviews and tests with twelfth-grade students, the research focuses on identifying specific challenges in linguistic discourse engagement and investigating factors contributing to these difficulties, such as fear of mistakes, shyness, and language proficiency issues. The study aims to offer recommendations to enhance students' speaking abilities, contributing to a nuanced understanding of language acquisition and psychological aspects in the educational context, with the ultimate goal of improving EFL students' speaking skills at SMA Swasta Dharma Karya Beringin.</em></p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Sahlan Tampubolon, Cleydia Lisyeni Verentia, Sahat Taruli Siahaan AN ANALYSIS OF THE FORMATION OF AN INTERTEXTUAL UNITY OF TEXTS IN THE INSTRUMENTAL ARTWORK ENTITLED MATSURI BY KITARO 2024-11-13T07:32:25+00:00 Lilis Handayani Napitupulu <p>This study seeks to identify the intertextual elements in Matsuri and explore how they contribute to a cohesive understanding of the piece, focusing on its relationship to Japanese culture and spirituality. A descriptive qualitative approach was employed, using textual analysis to examine <em>Matsuri</em> as both a verbal and visual text. Data was gathered from library sources, including written texts and media related to <em>Kojiki</em>, the ancient Japanese text that inspired the album's themes. <em>Matsuri</em> incorporates both verbal and visual texts. Verbal elements include references to <em>Kojiki</em> and titles in the album, while visual elements involve traditional Japanese instruments like the Taiko drum, which connect the music to Japanese rituals and festivals. This blend of traditional and modern influences highlights cultural continuity within Japan’s modern identity. The intertextuality in <em>Matsuri</em> reveals its dual role as a reflection of Japanese cultural heritage and as a medium for personal and communal identity formation. The persistence of traditional practices, even as they evolve with modernization, underscores the enduring significance of rituals like <em>Matsuri</em> in Japanese society.</p> 2024-12-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lilis Handayani Napitupulu Exploring Metaphors in the Lyrics of Sia's Album “1000 Forms of Fear” 2024-11-13T07:29:36+00:00 Siti Aisyah Hanafi Wibowo <p>This research explores the role of metaphor in the lyrics of Sia's 1000 Forms of Fear album, examining how figurative language enhances the emotional and conceptual effects of the songs. Using a qualitative methodology, this study classifies metaphors into ontological, structural, and orientational categories according to Lakoff and Johnson's framework. The results reveal the dominance of ontological metaphors, which transform abstract feelings into concrete experiences, allowing listeners to engage deeply with themes of resilience, vulnerability, and mental challenges. The research emphasizes the cognitive and emotional role of metaphors in music, illustrating how metaphors assist listeners in understanding complex feelings and stories. The study highlights that metaphorical language in music not only deepens lyrical content but also enhances emotional resonance, ultimately expanding our understanding of the function of music in conveying complex human experiences.</p> 2024-12-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Aisyah TRENDS IN MANDARIN BUSINESS COMMUNICATION TRANSLATION: A LITERATURE REVIEW 2024-11-26T03:38:49+00:00 Devi Alvionita Alindra Yulia Putri Paradida <p>The rapid development of the global economy and trade has positioned China as a major power, making Mandarin a strategic communication tool in international business. In this context, the role of translation is crucial in bridging linguistic and cultural differences between business partners. Translating Mandarin business communication requires linguistic expertise and a deep understanding of cultural values, communication styles, and business ethics to convey messages effectively without causing misunderstandings. Additional challenges arise from the abundance of technical terms unique to business, finance, and legal contexts, which demand precise terminology and appropriate adaptation in the target language. This study aims to analyze current trends in Mandarin business communication translation through a literature review, identify effective translation approaches and techniques, and highlight the challenges and role of technology in business translation. The findings of this study are expected to provide insights for practitioners, translators, and academics to better understand the complexities of Mandarin business translation and to support more efficient cross-cultural business interactions.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Devi Devi Alvionita Alindra, Yulia Putri Paradida Analyzing EFL Students’ Critical Thinking Through Literary Texts 2025-01-21T02:20:18+00:00 Elita Modesta Br Sembiring Natalia Widya Pasca Tarigan Merry Susanty Br Tarigan Reynaldi Kuanda <p>This study examines the role of literary texts in fostering critical thinking among English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. Employing a qualitative approach, the research utilizes literary analysis and classroom observation to assess how students critically engage with texts. This study was conducted to the students at Akademi Keperawatan Columbia Asia Medan. Results suggest that literary texts significantly enhance critical thinking skills when paired with guided discussion and analytical tasks.</p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Elita Modesta Br Sembiring, Natalia Widya Pasca Tarigan, Merry Susanty Br Tarigan, Reynaldi Kuanda The Implementation of Wordwall as A Digital Learning Tool To Increase Student Learning Motivation in SMP Negeri 37 Medan 2025-03-03T08:45:03+00:00 Lilis Handayani Napitupulu Salsabila Egia Silvia Tarigan <p>This study looks at the use of Wordwall as a digital learning aid to increase student motivation in Class 7H at UPT SMP Negeri 37 Medan. Traditional teaching approaches frequently result in a lack of student involvement, which reduces motivation and learning results. Wordwall, an interactive educational platform, includes engaging activities including quizzes, word searches, and matching games that encourage students to actively engage in the learning process. To examine student perspectives and learning results, a qualitative study approach was used, which included observations, pre- and post-test evaluations, questionnaires, and documentation. The findings show a considerable increase in students' desire and knowledge, as evidenced by an increase in average score from 60.93% (pre-test) to 81.25% (post-test), a 33.34% improvement. Furthermore, questionnaire results indicated that the majority of students chose Wordwall over traditional ways of learning because it is more participatory and engaging. The study finds that Wordwall is a useful digital learning tool for increasing student motivation, engagement, and academic success. Educators should include Wordwall into their teaching practices to foster a more dynamic and collaborative learning environment. Future study might investigate Wordwall's long-term influence and compare its efficacy to other digital learning aids.</p> 2025-03-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Lilis Handayani Napitupulu, Salsabila, Egia Silvia Tarigan