Jurnal Bahasa Indonesia Prima (BIP) 2024-05-22T01:33:35+00:00 Esra Perangin-angin Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Bahasa Indonesia Prima: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Pendidikan, Pengajaran, dan Sosial menerbitkan manuskrip penelitian dan kajian teori di bidang pendidikan, pengajaran, bahasa, sastra, linguistik, dan ilmu sosial.</p> <p>Dewan redaksi menerima naskah melalui sistem pengiriman online. Penulis yang ingin mempublikasikan penelitian dan kajian teori di jurnal ini diharapkan memastikan bahwa manuskrip mereka sesuai dengan ruang lingkup dan pedoman penyampaian jurnal.</p> <p>******************************************************************************************</p> <p><strong>Publikasi Maret dan September<br /></strong></p> PENGGUNAAN MEDIA WORDWALL DALAM PEMBELAJARAN TEKS CERITA INSPIRATIF SISWA SMP KELAS IX 2023-08-28T08:52:34+00:00 Violetta Intan Rahmatika Ika Septiana <p>The development of the current era makes humans dependent on technology. Advances in information technology have an influence on its users, both positive and negative influences. Technological developments play an important role in the field of education. In the world of education, the use of technology needs to be used in the learning process. Students are more interested in the learning process that utilizes game-based learning media. There are many game-based learning media that can be used by teachers, one of which is Wordwall. However, in practice, students often find themselves taking advantage of the opportunity to access other things that are not related to the learning being provided. This article aims to determine the factors that influence the use of Wordwall media in learning Inspirational Story Texts for class IX junior high school students. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques in this study were in the form of observation and interviews. The object studied is the factors that influence the use of Wordwall media in learning Inspirational Story Texts for class IX Junior High School students.</p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Violetta Intan Rahmatika, Ika Septiana BAHASA DAN KEKUASAAN: ANALISIS KRITIS TERHADAP DOMINASI BAHASA DALAM MASYARAKAT 2024-02-20T03:35:04+00:00 Kamaruzzaman - Iche - <p>It critically analyzes the relationship between language and power in the context of language dominance in society. This research explores how language becomes an important tool to reinforce power structures, regulate power relations between individuals and groups, and influence the construction of social identities. Using a critical approach, this research outlines how the selective use of language by dominant groups can suppress and marginalize minority groups, causing inequality in access to resources and opportunities. Historical, political, and social factors in the formation of power structures through language are also analyzed in depth. In addition, the abstract considers the ethical and political implications of language dominance in society, as well as efforts to break this dominance through multilingual advocacy, recognition of linguistic diversity, and promotion of linguistic equality. This research provides a deep insight into how language is not only a tool of communication but also a tool of power that significantly impacts the formation of inclusive or exclusive social structures.</p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kamaruzzaman -, Iche - LEKSIKON ARKAIS SISTEM ORGANISASI SOSIAL MASYARAKAT DESA CENGAL KECAMATAN JAPARA KABUPATEN KUNINGAN (TELAAH ETNOLINGUISTIK) 2024-04-02T03:44:20+00:00 Andriyana <p>This research examines the lexicon in the social organization system of the Cengal Village community, Japara Subdistrict, Kuningan Regency, which produces definitions and explanations of lexicons that have lexical meanings and those that do not have them The lexicons found are Kuwu, Juru Tulis, Ngabihi, Ketib, Raksa Bumi, Lulugu, Kemit, Ngalambang, Cap Gawe, Babau, Kaum, Paraji, Kuncen. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, with interviews and documentation supporting the search for meaning in each word.</p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andriyana Fakta Cerita dalam Novel "Lebih Senyap dari Bisikan" karya Andina Dwifatma: Struktur Robert Stanton 2024-03-07T04:12:24+00:00 Yuni Novalina Siringoringo Ikhwanuddin Nasution Haris Sutan Lubis <p><strong>ABSTRACK - </strong>The results of this research aim to<em> describe the facts of the story in the novel More Senyap dari Bisikan by Andina Dwifatma. This research includes library research, while the method used is qualitative descriptive analysis. The data sources used are words, sentences, discourse in the novel More Senyap Than Bisikan by Andina Dwifatma. The approach used is Robert Stanton's structural approach. The results of this research are as follows, the story facts consist of the plot, characters and setting featured in the novel. The plot used in the novel Silent Than a Whisper is a forward plot. The characters in the novel are obsessive, worried and over thinker, hardworking, The setting in the story is still in the same city, the setting used is: Amara and Baron's house, the time setting used is: morning, afternoon, afternoon and evening. The social setting in the novel is: beliefs, ways of thinking, living habits, traditions.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Key words:</em></strong><em> Robert Stanton structure, story facts, novel</em></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yuni Novalina Siringoringo, Ikhwanuddin Nasution, Haris Sutan Lubis Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Variatif Dengan Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Canva Pada Tingkat Sekolah Dasar 2024-03-14T05:06:22+00:00 Ria Fitriani Friska Ria Sitorus Salim - Putri Khairani <p>The development of digital technology is closely related to developments in the world of education. This is because the rapid development of technology is very influential in the development of information and communication, so this provides positive benefits that can be utilized in the world of education. To produce effective learning, varied learning media are needed. This article's development of varied learning utilizes the Canva application at the elementary school level. Canva is one of the many applications that can be used to design varied learning media. As a facilitator in the learning process, the teacher's job is to present meaningful and enjoyable learning so that it can make students become more focused and arouse their thinking in order to encourage students to be motivated to learn to become students who have superior human resources and have the profile of Pancasila students.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ria Fitriani, Friska Ria Sitorus, Salim -, Putri Khairani Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran PjBL Terhadap Profil Pelajar Pancasila Peserta Didik Sdk Penabur Kota Wisata 2024-05-22T01:33:35+00:00 tiurma Nababan Rizhal Hendi Ristanto Lukman El Hakim <p>Research describes the experiences of teachers and students in implementing the influence of the Project-Based Learning (PjBL) model on the Pancasila student profile at SDK PENABUR Kota Wisata. The research employs a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collection techniques were conducted through interviews. The analysis of student interview results indicates that students have experiences such as: (1) Students are required to be more creative so that the projects they produce can be interesting. (2) Learning with the PjBL model demands that students not only be creative but also innovative in producing a project. (3) Strengthening the values of togetherness with friends, as project work is carried out in groups. Meanwhile, the analysis of teacher interview results provides insights such as: (1) Teachers are greatly helped in exploring students' soft skills. (2) The PjBL model guides teachers to bring students into learning experiences that are relevant to their daily lives, making the learning very meaningful for both students and teachers. (3) Differences in character among students sometimes require students and teachers to work synergistically so that each group can enjoy the learning process. (4) The diverse levels of IQ and EQ among students demand that teachers, students, and parents work together to ensure the learning process runs well.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 tiurma Nababan, Rizhal Hendi Ristanto, Lukman El Hakim ANALISIS NILAI MORAL DALAM NOVEL RASA KARYA TERE LIYE 2024-05-14T01:26:44+00:00 Nadya Tri Ananda Diah Kusyani Lailan Syafira Putri Lubis <p>This research is motivated by the fact that moral values are essential; novels, as written works of literature that contain moral values, can motivate readers. The purpose of the research is to describe the form of moral values in the novel Rasa by Tere Liye and the form of moral value delivery used by the author in the novel Rasa by Tere Liye. This type of research is library research. The results of this study found that the form of moral values contained in the novel Rasa by Tere Liye includes the form of moral values in human relationships with themselves, namely self-existence there are 7 data, self-esteem there are 2 data, self-confidence there are 4 data, fear there are 0 data, revenge there are 3 data, loneliness there are 1 data. The form of moral values in human relations with other humans in the social environment, namely solid friendship there are 3 data, betrayal there are 4 data; parental affection for children are 8 data; children's affection for parents there are 2 data; teacher advice to students there are 2 data. The form of moral values in human relationships with God, namely praying to God, has 0 data, and being grateful has 1 data. The form of conveying moral values used by the author in the novel Rasa by Tere Liye, namely the form of conveying moral values directly consists of 15 data, and the form of conveying morals indirectly consists of 5 data.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nadya Tri Ananda, Diah Kusyani, Lailan Syafira Putri Lubis Analisis Novel Re: Karya Maman Suherman Berdasarkan Pendekatan Feminisme 2024-05-14T01:27:53+00:00 Putri Oktavia Utami Diah Kusyani Arianto - <p>Feminism comes from the Latin femina or woman. The term began to be used in the 1890s, referring to the theory of equality between men and women and the movement to obtain women's rights. This research uses a library research design. The subject of this research is the novel Re: by Maman Suherman. The object of research is feminism found in the novel Re: by Maman Suherman. Important data will be the subject of this research is marked and recorded to be grouped according to feminism, and the struggle of Re: which will be researched. This study found that there are 1 aspect that discusses feminism which is described as part of the right to freedom, 1 aspect that discusses the struggle in the field of education, 0 aspects that discuss the struggle in civil rights, 2 aspects that discuss the struggle in the economic field, 8 aspects that discuss the struggle in the right to express opinions, and 5 aspects that discuss the struggle in the right to assemble. This research aims to describe the study of feminism and describe the struggle of Re: in realizing feminism in the novel Re: by Maman Suherman. As a literary work, novels can be used as a lesson. One of the novels that can be used as learning is the novel Re: by Maman Suherman, which can be utilized to add insight into feminism. This novel can be implied by providing sexual direction or learning from an early age, because the counseling can be used as a guide so that unwanted things do not happen.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Oktavia Utami, Diah Kusyani, Arianto - Konflik Batin Tokoh Mark: Eksplorasi Dimensi Psikosomatis Dengan Pendekatan Freudian Dalam Dinamika Keluarga M (Bloomington Resident) 2024-02-28T08:15:04+00:00 M. Hikmal Yazid <p>This study aims to conduct a Freudian psychosomatic analysis of the moral struggle of Mark's character in the short story "Keluarga M" by Budi Darma. The research object of the short story focuses on Mark's character development and inner conflict involving the interaction between Freudian basic drives, moral values, and social norms. Freudian psychosomatic theory is used as a conceptual framework. This study identifies and analyzes the conflict between the id, ego, and superego in Mark's psyche to understand the tension between basic drives, such as personal desire and recklessness, and the formation of social norms. Character complexity. This study hypothesizes that significant inner conflicts in Mark's moral struggle will be revealed through Freudian psychosomatic analysis. Based on the assumption that the interaction between these psychological components affects the character's behavior and emotions, this research seeks to provide in-depth insight into the complexity of humans in facing moral dilemmas through literary media. The results of this research are expected to provide a deeper understanding of Mark's character and how his moral struggle reflects human psychological dynamics.</p> <p> </p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 M. Hikmal Yazid Konflik Batin Tokoh Utama dalam Novel Kiara Karya Dinni Adhiawaty: Kajian Psikologi Sastra 2024-05-11T02:19:00+00:00 Mairanda Alfi Ikhwanuddin Nasution Nurhayati Harahap <p>This research focuses on the Inner Conflict of the Main Character in Kiara's Novel by Dinni Adhiawaty: A Literary Psychology Study. This study aims to describe the forms of inner conflict in the novel Kiara by Dinni Adhiawaty using literary psychology studies. The theory used in this research is Kurt Lewin's theory. The research method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative. The data source used in this research is the novel Kiara by Dinni Adhiawaty, in the form of words and sentences. The results of this study are three forms of inner conflict according to Kurt Lewin's theory: approach-approach conflict, avoidance-avoidance conflict, and approach-avoidance conflict.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mairanda Alfi, Ikhwanuddin Nasution, Nurhayati Harahap Urgensi Filsafat Pendidikan Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa 2024-03-07T04:01:58+00:00 Eva Mizkat M. Zaim Harris Effendi Thahar <p>This research discusses the importance of educational philosophy in the context of language learning. It is considered a theoretical foundation that plays a central role in guiding the goals and methodologies of language learning. By exploring its role in formulating the goals of language education, guiding teaching methods, and creating a conducive learning environment, this research reveals the urgency of educational philosophy in shaping meaningful language learning experiences. The results of this study reveal that the importance of understanding the urgency of educational philosophy in language learning is the first step to creating a better and sustainable educational future. Therefore, educators, researchers, and educational policymakers are urged to pay attention to and consider the philosophical basis in every language learning policy and practice.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eva Mizkat, M. Zaim, Harris Effendi Thahar ANALISIS GAYA BELAJAR SISWA PADA PELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA PADA KELAS VIII SMP SEKOLAH YAPENDAK KEC. UJUNG PADANG 2024-05-11T02:18:40+00:00 Nova Mawar Hutabarat Perida Roma Asi Siahaan <p>Lack of understanding of the concept of materia taught to students and teachers do not know each student's learning style. This research aims to determine students' learning styles by analyzing students' learning styles in learning Indonesian in class VIII of SMP Yapendak School, Kec. Ujung Padang for the 2022/2023 academic year. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The population in this study were all class VIII students of SMP Yapendak School, Kec. Ujung Padang with a total of 82 students. The technique used in sampling was collecting data on student learning styles in the process of learning Indonesian in class SMP Yapendak School, Kec. Ujung Padang used a questionnaire with 30 questions. The results of the research show that the learning style analysis of the visual student learning style indicators has an average percentage of 72%. The auditory learning style indicator has an average percentage of 66%. In terms of kinesthetic student learning style indicators, the average percentage is 65%. So it can be analyzed that students' learning styles in learning Indonesian in class SMP Yapendak School Kec. Ujung Padang is more towards the Visual learning style because it gets a higher average score and percentage compared to audiotorial and kinesthetic learning styles.</p> 2024-03-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nova Mawar Hutabarat, Perida Roma Asi Siahaan