Relationship between Knowledge and Attitude of Pregnant Women with Psychological Changes During Pregnancy in Muleum Village Bener Kelipah District Bener Meriah District

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Nurlaely HS
Lia Muslima


Relationship between Knowledge and Attitude of Pregnant Women with Psychological Changes During Pregnancy in Muleum Village Bener Kelipah District Bener Meriah District


            Knowledge of psychological changes during pregnancy will protect the mother against complications during pregnancy. Knowledge about psychological changes can be obtained by midwives from various sources of information such as training, seminars, books, midwives, coordination and others. Midwives who have a good understanding of psychological changes in pregnant women will be able to perform early detection of high risk in pregnant women by knowing every change that occurs in pregnant women. Research purposes. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women about psychological changes during pregnancy in Muleum Village. This research is descriptive analytic. Sampling in this study is by total sampling, which is 30 pregnant women. The research was conducted by distributing questionnaires containing 30 questions in the form of multiple choice and 10 questions in the form of statements, the data were collected and then processed by chi-square test with p value = 0.05 The results of the study of 30 respondents who experienced psychological changes during pregnancy with the category Good 14 people (47%), moderate knowledge category 6 people (20%), and less category 10 people (33%). Based on statistical tests using the chi-square test at a value of 0.05, p value = 003 <0.05, this means that there is a relationship between knowledge of pregnant women and psychological changes during pregnancy. And the relationship between the attitudes of pregnant women with psychological changes during pregnancy positive attitudes amounted to 19 people (63%). negative attitudes amount to gestational age. And the relationship between the attitudes of pregnant women with psychological changes during pregnancy positive attitudes amounted to 19 people (63%). negative attitudes amounted to 11 people (37%). Conclusion. There is a meaningful relationship between knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women with psychological changes during pregnancy in Muleum Village, Bener Kelipah District, Bener Meriah Regency, the results of statistical tests using the chi-square test obtained P value = 0.03 and P value = 0, 03 means P < 0.05. It is recommended to health workers to increase counseling for pregnant women about psychological changes during pregnancy.

Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Psychological Change

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How to Cite
HS, N., & Muslima, L. (2022). Relationship between Knowledge and Attitude of Pregnant Women with Psychological Changes During Pregnancy in Muleum Village Bener Kelipah District Bener Meriah District. Jurnal Maternitas Kebidanan, 7(2), 92-97.