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Chandra Juita Pasaribu
Dessy Melani Hutasoit


Fresh breast milk is milk that is taken by squeezing from the breast to be stored and later given to the baby, while direct breast milk is milk that is given from the breast directly to the baby by way of breastfeeding. This study aims to determine the analysis of the content of both milk and direct milk for infant antibodies. The research approach used is qualitative with the case study method. The research was conducted in March - September 2020 at the Tanjung Deli Tua Medan Maternity Clinic. The population in this study were breastfeeding mothers who had babies aged 0-6 months with a total sample of 20 people with details of 10 mothers who gave breast milk and 10 mothers who gave breast milk directly. The results showed that babies who were breastfed and breastfed immediately experienced good growth and development, but the weight gain of babies who were breastfed tended to be slower than babies who were given direct breast milk. Then, in the antibodies of babies who are given breast milk, the risk of experiencing digestive disorders is that there are even babies who if given fresh breast milk from the freezer will experience diarrhea. For health workers to work together to overcome various problems of breastfeeding with various efforts, including providing counseling so that they can provide proper understanding of breastfeeding both directly and milk so that it can be realized optimally.

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How to Cite
Pasaribu, C. J., & Hutasoit, D. M. . (2021). ANALISIS KANDUNGAN ASI PERAH DENGAN ASI LANGSUNG BAGI ANTIBODI BAYI. Jurnal Maternitas Kebidanan, 6(1), 51-65.