Psikologi Prima <p><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: medium;">PSIKOLOGI PRIMA is a scientific journal that studies the science of psychology as a media in presenting the results of industrial and organizational psychology research, education, development, personality, social, entrepreneurship, clinical and health as well as related issues originating from the context of social and cultural diversity that develops in the community.<br /><a href="">e-ISSN</a> (2598-8026 )<br /></span></span></p> en-US (Fakultas Psikologi) (Rismadayanti) Wed, 01 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 PENGARUH EFIKASI DIRI TERHADAP PROKRASTINASI AKADEMIK PADA SISWA KELAS XI SMAN 1 TELUKJAMBE BARAT <p>A school is a place where people learn. Students receive many assignments, especially those related to their subject. Educators give assignments to students to teach them to take advantage of their free time in understanding and are obliged to arrange the work given. However, in practice there are still problems related to the assignments given by the teacher. One of them is academic procrastination. Academic procrastination has several factors, one of which is low student self-efficacy. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effect of self-efficacy on academic procrastination in class XI students of SMAN 1 Telukjambe Barat. This research uses quantitative methods. In this study, data collection used the self-efficacy scale which refers to Bandura's theory while academic procrastination refers to Ferrari's theory. This research involved 132 students as the research sample, selected from the total student population of 196 students using purposive sampling. The results of the simple linear regression analysis obtained sig. namely 0.000 &lt;0.05 (p &lt;0.05) which means that there is an effect of self-efficacy on academic procrastination seen from the value of count has a value of -5.132 meaning that if student self-efficacy is low then academic procrastination in these students will be high, besides that based on the results The calculation of the coefficient of determination shows that the magnitude of the influence of the self-efficacy variable on academic procrastination is 16.4%. In comparison, other variables influence the remaining 83.6%.</p> Dwi Septiyan, Marhisar Simatupang, Nur Ainy Sadijah Copyright (c) 2023 Psikologi Prima Sat, 11 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENGARUH KEMAJUAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI BAGI ANAK USIA DINI: BAGAIMANA PENDAMPINGAN ORANGTUA DALAM MENGHADAPI TANTANGAN KEMAJUAN TEKNOLOGI BAGI ANAK <p><em>Technology is developing rapidly, widely, and rapidly. This causes various influences on human life patterns, both patterns of thought and behavior. As we know, smartphones in this era have a very rapid development. All groups of adults, students, and children use them. Parents need to be more understanding of using and utilizing information technology to help children's growth and development, and the strong influence of information technology in people's lives raises concerns for some parents that this technological progress will only hurt children's growth and development. Some parents use smartphones as a shortcut in assisting children, and parents use them to accompany their children so that they can carry out activities without worrying about their children playing dirty and messing up the house, which will make them cranky and disturb their parents. Parents should pay more attention to supervising and monitoring what children do when using smartphones to reduce the negative impact caused by the use of smartphones, which should be used and utilized for positive things. Early childhooders tend to be happy with the new things they get through play activities; playing is enjoyable for children, allowing them to explore all potential. Parents giving smartphones in early childhood will undoubtedly affect the development of children. Smartphones should not be given in early childhood because, at that age, children should be taught to get to know the environment and socialize well.</em></p> Dian Rizky Priyanti Lubis, Teguh Iman Haulika, Zahwa Kayla, Andy Satria Copyright (c) 2023 Psikologi Prima Sat, 11 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 HARGA DIRI DAN KOHESIVITAS KELOMPOK TERHADAP SOCIAL LOAFING PADA MAHASISWA FBB UNTAG 1945 SEMARANG <p><em>Social loafing is an intriguing problem, especially among students, because group members frequently rely on one another without providing appropriate contributions. <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">This study aims</span> to examine the relationship between Self-Esteem and Group Cohesiveness on Social Loafing among students at the Faculty of Language and Culture at Seventeen August University, Semarang. Quantitative correlation is utilized to collect and analyze data on 188 students. The variable Self-Esteem (X1) has a t-value of -2,317 and a significance level of 0.019, so the null hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Thus, Self-Esteem (X1) has a negative relationship with Social Loafing (Y). In the meantime, the Group Cohesiveness (X2) variable has a t value of -3,562 and a significance level of 0.000, so H2 is also accepted. This demonstrates that Group Cohesiveness (X2) has a negative and statistically significant relationship with Social Loafing (Y). They simultaneously have an F value of 11.243 and a significance value of 0.000. This indicates that H3 is accepted, which means that Self-Esteem (X1) and Group Cohesion (X2) simultaneously influence Social Loafing (Y).</em></p> Grace Agata, Lucy Hariadi, I Rheny Arum Permitasari Copyright (c) 2023 Psikologi Prima Sat, 11 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENGARUH SOCIAL SUPPORT DAN SELF-ESTEEM TERHADAP OPTIMISME FRESHGRADUATE S-1 YANG SEDANG MENCARI KERJA <p><em>A This study aims to determine the effect of social support and self-esteem on the optimism of bachelor degree freshgraduates who are looking job in Karawang. In this study there are three variables, namely social support, self-esteem and optimism. The major hypothesis in this study is that there is an influence of social support and self-esteem on the optimism of bachelor degree freshgraduates who are looking job in Karawang. The number of samples used was 116 freshgraduated bachelor degree freshgraduates who are currently looking job in Karawang. The sampling method in this study used Snowball sampling and the data analysis technique used was multiple linear regression with SPSS 25.0. Based on the results of hypothesis testing it is known that social support and self-esteem variables have an influence with a significance value of 0.000 &lt;0.05. The results showed there is the influence of social support and self-esteem together at 0.232 or 23.2% contributed to the optimism of bachelor degree freshgraduates who were looking job in Karawang while the rest were influenced by other factors outside of this study.</em></p> Laela Kamila, Marhisar Simatupang, Holy Greata Singadimedja Copyright (c) 2023 Psikologi Prima Mon, 20 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pengaruh Optimism Terhadap Body Image Remaja Putri Pengguna Produk Kecantikan Di Karawang <p><em>In adolescence there are physical changes, such as rapid growth and increase in height, weight, hormonal changes, sexual maturity and increased function of the brain structure. This is a problem that is still felt especially by young women because these teenagers are starting to pay attention to and take an attitude towards their body and appearance. This can be seen from the beauty and body care products from the latest brands and the emergence of beauty and body care products specifically aimed at "teens" or young women, meaning that young women make an effort to take care of their bodies. Efforts to take care of this body certainly affect how teenagers judge or perceive their bodies, this is called body image. One of the factors forming body image is optimism. Optimism is a comprehensive view, in seeing good things, being able to think positively, and easily giving meaning to oneself. This research was conducted to find out whether there is an effect of optimism on body image in young women in Karawang Regency. The hypothesis put forward is that there is an effect of optimism on body image with the assumption that the higher the optimism, the more positive the body image the individual has. The research method used by researchers is a quantitative research method with a sample of 100 young women living in Karawang, data analysis techniques used by researchers are normality test, linearity test, hypothesis test (simple linear regression test), coefficient of determination test and categorization test with the help of SPSS 25.0 software for Windows. The results of this study's data analysis show that there is an influence of optimism on body image in young women in Karawang with a Sig value of 0.003 (p &lt;0.05).</em></p> Edytia Prameswari Aisyah, Marhisar Simatupang, Dinda Aisha Copyright (c) 2023 Psikologi Prima Mon, 20 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENGARUH CHARCTER STRENGTH TERHADAP KEBAHAGIAAN DI TEMPAT KERJA PADA KARYAWAN SALES <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of character strength on happiness at work for sales employees at PT. Matahari Department Store Festive Walk Karawang. In this study there are two variables, namely character strength and happiness at work. The hypothesis of this study is that there is an effect of character strength on happiness at work for sales employees at PT. Matahari Department Store Festive Walk Karawang. The number of samples used was 70 sales employees at PT. Matahari Department Store Festive Walk Karawang. Using saturated sampling research method. The data method in this study uses quantitative research methods. The reliability of this research shows that the results of character strength are 0.941 and happiness at work is 0.799, so both variables are declared to have a reliable value. The analysis in this study uses a simple regression analysis using SPSS 22.0. Based on the results of the hypothesis test, it is known that the variable character strength on happiness at work has a significant effect with a value of 0.012 less than 0.5. The results showed that there was an effect of character strength on happiness at work for sales employees at PT. Matahari Department Store Festive Walk Karawang.</em></p> Bayu Bastian, Marhisar Simatupang, Holy Greata Copyright (c) 2023 Psikologi Prima Tue, 21 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENGARUH KONTROL DIRI TERHADAP PERILAKU KONSUMTIF PENGGUNA APLIKASI BELANJA ONLINE MAHASISWA FASHON DESIGN <p><em>Nowadays, technology is developing very quickly and bringing many changes to how people live, especially in buying and selling. This certainly influences students in consumptive behavior. It is not uncommon for students to have a habit of buying something based on desire alone, so it is hoped that students have both behavioral and cognitive self-control to prioritize needs over desires. The study aimed to determine whether self-control influences the consumptive behavior of online shopping application users in fashion design students. This research was conducted with simple linear regression statistical analysis. The subjects in the study were 96 fashion design students. The measuring instrument for this study is the self-control scale previously used by Dzihan (2020) and the consumptive behavior scale developed by Dzihan (2020). The results showed that self-control influences the consumptive behavior of online shopping application users in Fashion design students, with a significant value of 0.000 and an R-value of 0.543. Self-control contributed 28.5%. A total of 48 students have high consumptive behavior, and 79 students have moderate self-control. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that self-control influences a person's consumptive behavior. However, there are still several aspects that influence student consumptive behavior. It is hoped that further research can expand and develop other actors to be studied.</em></p> Ni Putu Vira Krisnayanti, Luh Putu Ratih Andhini, Ni Made Sintya Noviana Utami Copyright (c) 2023 Psikologi Prima Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 SELF-CONTROL DAN GRIT MAHASISWA SEMESTER AKHIR DI UNIVERSITAS YUDHARTA PASURUAN <p><em>Students working on a thesis can experience boredom, lack enthusiasm, and even lack motivation, which can be an obstacle to the completion of the thesis. Researchers distributed grit questionnaires aimed at students working on their theses at Yudharta Pasuruan University and found that most students needed more consistency of interest and higher resilience in trying. Therefore, students who are working on their thesis need to exercise self-control in order to complete it. Self-control is a belief that individuals have in acting and behaving and the ability of individuals to control these behaviors. Students need to have a high level of grit in order to be able to commit to their choices, even though it will be difficult and tedious. This study aimed to determine the effect of self-control on grit in students working on a thesis. The research method used is quantitative, with a sample of 234 8th-semester students working on their thesis. Based on the calculation, the r value is 0.776, which means the correlation between the self-control variable and grit is strong. The r<sup>2</sup> value is 0.602, meaning self-control influences 60.2% of student grit. It is known that the sig. The value is 0.000, which is 0.000 &lt;0.05; it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between self-control and grit in students working on their thesis.</em></p> Putri Dewi Kurniawati, Nathania Bayu Astrella Copyright (c) 2023 Psikologi Prima Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 GAMBARAN KUALITAS HIDUP PEKERJA DI SEKTOR PARIWISATA WILAYAH BALI SELATAN <p><em>The province of Bali is inseparable from tourism. Tourism influences life satisfaction. Overall life satisfaction is derived from satisfaction with aspects of life such as material well-being, social well-being, emotional well-being, and health and safety well-being. These dimensions lead to quality of life, so the community's quality of life must be the government's and other stakeholders' primary concern. South Bali is one of the strategic tourism areas in Bali Province, so the readiness and support of the local community are critical. This research focuses on people who work in the tourism sector in the South Bali Region. The researcher emphasizes tourism-affiliated communities, which may be more sensitive to the impacts of tourism. The purpose of this study is to determine workers' perceptions regarding tourism's impact on their quality of life. This study used a descriptive quantitative approach with a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The results showed that, in general, workers' quality of life was in the moderate category, which amounted to 38.58% of 127 respondents. This data can be a reference for stakeholders or other stakeholders in paying attention to each indicator so that workers in the tourism sector who also reside or become communities in the South Bali Region can obtain life satisfaction as a result of the tourism industry in the region.</em></p> Ida Ayu Karina Adityanti Manuaba, Ni Made Gandhi Sanjiwani, Ni Kadek Anggun Dwi Lestari Copyright (c) 2024 Psikologi Prima Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000