PRIMER (Prima Medical Journal) 2023-11-09T03:10:25+00:00 Edy Fachrial Open Journal Systems <p>PRIMER (Prima Medical Journal) published the original peer-reviewed article of basic medical research and case reports. This journal is published twice a year (April and October).</p> Glioma Mimicking Infarct 2023-10-31T03:06:10+00:00 Ikhwanul Hakim Nasution Audrina Ernes <p><strong><em>Backgrounds:</em></strong><em> Gliomas are one of the most common primary brain tumours. Gliomas may present with imaging that can mimic other primary brain lesions. <strong>Objective: </strong>To demonstrate the role of radiological imaging (CT scan and MRI) in determining the diagnosis as well as a reference for determining subsequent therapy in patients with primary brain lesions. <strong>Case: </strong></em></p> <p><em>This case report describes a 67-year-old male patient with complaints of decreased consciousness and seizures. The patient had a history of headache since 2 months ago and was not accompanied by limb weakness. </em><strong><em>Discussion: </em></strong><em>The appearance of low-grade glioma on CT scan gives an image resembling infarction where both give an appearance of hypodense lesions on non-contrast CT and do not enhance on CT with contrast. Therefore, further imaging such as MRI imaging is required. <strong>Conclusion:</strong></em><em> MRI is important modality in assisting the diagnosis of patients with primary brain lesions and can assist in selecting the appropriate treatment.</em></p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 PRIMER (Prima Medical Journal) Gambaran Radiologi Karsinoma Paru Sentral: Sebuah Laporan Kasus 2023-10-31T03:06:20+00:00 Inda Kania Meilani Fransiskus Aryo Pratomo <p><em>Lung carcinoma is a malignancy that originates in the respiratory tract and lung parenchyma. It is a type of lung malignancy that often leads to death, characterized by a high mortality rate globally. Based on radiological images, lung carcinoma is classified into central and peripheral types. Understanding the radiological characteristics of lung carcinoma will contribute to achieving swift and appropriate therapy. In this case study, a 46-year-old male patient with smoking history, complaints of breathlessness and a persistent cough is presented. The CT scan findings indicated that the patient had a centrally positioned lung carcinoma, in accordance with the attributes of the central type of lung carcinoma, the scan shows heterogeneous lesions larger than 3 cm situated in the hilum area. The boundaries are somewhat indistinct, displaying irregular edges, spicules, angiogram sign, narrowing and closure of the left main bronchus, the presence of surrounding atelectatic components, and is enhanced by contrast. These findings were corroborated by anatomical pathology examination. This case underscores the pivotal role of radiological modalities in both elucidating and establishing the diagnosis of lung carcinoma.</em></p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 PRIMER (Prima Medical Journal) Tuberous Sklerosis Kompleks Pada Pasien Wanita Usia 22 Tahun 2023-10-31T03:05:13+00:00 Desi Novianti Audrina Ernes <p><strong><em>Backgrounds:</em></strong><em> Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSK) is an autosomal dominant disorder that predisposes to the development of benign lesions in several organs of the body especially in the brain, kidneys, liver, skin, heart and lungs. Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA) is a characteristic brain tumour that occurs in 10%-20% of patients with tuberous sclerosis complex and is almost exclusively associated with tuberous sclerosis complex. <strong>Objective:</strong> Demonstrate the role of radiological imaging (CT scan and MRI) in determining the diagnosis and as a reference for determining subsequent therapy in patients with seizures et causa tuberous sclerosis. <strong>Case: </strong>This case report describes a 22-year-old female patient with a main symptom of frequent headaches since the last 2 months and decreased vision and fogginess in both eyes. The patient has a history of seizures from the age of 4 years to the age of 11 years. <strong>Discussion: </strong>Four major signs of TSK were found: facial angiofibroma, tuberous sclerosis, subependymal nodule, and subependymal giant cell astrocytoma. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The role of radiological imaging, both CT scan and MRI in the early diagnosis of patients with TSK is very important.</em></p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 PRIMER (Prima Medical Journal) Hubungan Derajat Perlemakan Hati Non Alkoholik Menggunakan Pemeriksaan Indeks Hepatorenal Software Image J Pada Ultrasonografi Dengan Peningkatan Kadar Serum Glutamik Pyruvik Transminase Di Rsup Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung 2023-10-31T03:04:54+00:00 Faisal Reza Redo Widhio Mahatvavirya <p><em>Hepatorenal index sonography supported by ImageJ computer software program is one of the ultrasound parameters based on quantitative analysis to address the limitations of ultrasound in the diagnosis and determine the degree of non-alcoholic fatty liver. The degree of non-alcoholic fatty liver is divided into mild, moderate and severe. Increased ALT levels have a close relationship and a predictor of non-alcoholic fatty liver. Increased levels of ALT can influence the degrees of non alcoholic fatty liver. This research aim to determine the relationship between the degree of non alcoholic fatty liver using hepatorenal index J software image on the ultrasound and elevated ALT level in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung. This research is an analytic observational study with cross sectional design and concecutive admission sampling to determine the relationship between degree of non alcoholic fatty liver using hepatorenal index J software image on the ultrasound and elevated ALT level Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital from January until March 2017. There are 39 study subjects consisted 22 women and 17 men, the youngest is 29 years old and the oldest is 69 years old. Results of statistical test Chi Square test at the 95% confidence level indicates that the mild non-alcoholic fatty liver mostly revealed on patients with increased ALT levels at the highest limit (100%), moderate non-alcoholic fatty liver mostly found in patients with high ALT levels (63.6%) and in severe non-alcoholic fatty liver can be found in very hight elevated ALT level (50.0%), with p &lt;0.001 (value p ≤ 0,05). There is a significant relationship between degree of non-alcoholic fatty liver using hepatorenal index J software image on the ultrasound and elevated ALT level in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung. We conclude that there is a significant relationship between degree of non-alcoholic fatty liver using hepatorenal index J software image on the ultrasound and elevated ALT level in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung</em></p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 PRIMER (Prima Medical Journal) Karakteristik Gambaran CT Scan Toraks Pasien HIV Berdasarkan Nilai CD4 2023-10-31T03:03:53+00:00 Armelia Adel Abdullah Redo Widhio Mahatvavirya <p><em>A decreased CD4 count in HIV patients will result in decreased immunity, making it easier for opportunistic infections to occur. The lower the CD4</em><em>⁺</em><em> value, the more likely an abnormality will be found on the chest X-ray. In Indonesia, no published research has been conducted on CT scans of the chest in HIV patients, so it is not yet known whether the CT scan characteristics of HIV patients in Indonesia are the same as those in other countries. The purpose of this study was to assess the characteristics of the CT scan of the chest and its relationship to CD4</em><em>⁺</em><em> degrees with the hope that it could enhance the role of CT scan of the chest as a reliable examination. This study is a prospective cross-sectional study to assess the relationship between CD4</em><em>⁺</em><em> score and CT scan characteristics of the chest. Data collection was carried out at the Radiodiagnostic Installation of Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta from August 2018 to January 2019, using a consecutive sampling technique, namely data collection based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. There were 50 research subjects, 12 women and 38 men, the majority aged &gt;41 years. Variation of chest CT scan images in HIV patients where infiltrates are seen is the most common chest radiographic appearance in study subjects in both the CD4</em><em>⁺</em><em> &lt;200 group and the CD4+ ≥ 200 group. Almost the same number of atypical and atypical features in the group with CD4</em><em>⁺</em><em>&lt;200 values, whereas in the group with CD4</em><em>⁺⁺</em><em> ≥200 the typical picture was much more than atypical. Based on the location distribution, in patients with CD4</em><em>⁺</em><em>&lt;200 values, infiltrates were more often found in the midfield and lung bases, while patients with CD4</em><em>⁺⁺</em><em>200 values ​​were mostly in the upper field. In conclusion, there is no significant difference between typical and atypical descriptions</em></p> 2023-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 PRIMER (Prima Medical Journal)