Pengaruh Diskon,Kemudahan,Kualitas Informasi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Shopee

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Intan Nurjanatul Laela


The growth and development of technology in the era of globalization has led to changes in life where
all activities are carried out digitally. One of the conveniences is the ability to shop online like shopee,
especially to streamline time in everyday life, so you can shop without coming to the store, making
payments is also easy to do. Making it easier for consumers to make transactions. The continued growth
of e-commerce in Indonesia prompted Shopee to make changes to entice customers to interact more
through the site. However, apart from convenience, complete product information is also required in
order to avoid product discrepancies in the marketplace that will be sent to consumers. The purpose of
this study was to describe the effect of discounts, convenience, quality of information on purchasing
decisions of economics and business students at Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic University Jepara. This
research is quantitative by collecting data using a questionnaire. The sampling technique of probability
sampling with simple random sampling technique is 92 respondents. The results in this study there is
no influence between the discount variable on purchasing decisions. While convenience, the quality of
information is concluded that there is a significant influence on purchasing decisions.

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